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Clay Pigeon Shooting 25 Clays - Yorkshire

Category: Adventure


Shooting Experience Days: Clay pigeon shooting is one of the country's most popular and traditional outdoor pursuits, and appeals to all ages and personalities, individuals and groups.

Whether you've never been shooting before in your life or are a confident sure-shot, you are guaranteed to have a hugely enjoyable and memorable experience.

Clay pigeon shooting is a thrilling and diverse experience; you must keep calm, concentrate, and then quickly and accurately take your shot.

Once you start hitting targets and knocking clays out of the air you will understand why this sport is so addictive - we are sure you will be hooked! Clay pigeon shooting is a guarantee for a fantastic day out, and with the stunning North Yorkshire scenery all around, you will be sure to have an equally peaceful yet exciting country day out.

Your clay pigeon shooting experience will begin with a safety briefing so that you are comfortable and familiar with all the equipment.

Then, highly trained instructors (AMICSI qualified) will take you through the basics, such as stance, grip, aim and tracking a target across the sky, and before you know it you'll be dusting your first clay.

This clay pigeon shooting experience also gives you the chance to shoot with light or heavy guns, soft or hard cartridges and at a wide variety of targets - all of which adds up to an exciting and special day out.

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